The Best Resources for Dyslexia (Suggestions from a Dyslexic Mother Raising Kids With ADHD/Dyslexia Diagnoses.)

Did you know if you’re dyslexic you have a 62% chance of having an additional learning difference?

ADHD and Dyslexia often go hand in hand, especially ADHD inattentive type or what we used to call ADD. Kids with Dyslexia may also have eye problems or other learning difficulties. Dyslexia can be paired with eye-tracking issues, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia among other things.

Videos About Dyslexia.

Free Mini Parenting Course (with Annie) for parents of kids with Dyslexia and ADHD

The free course is six films. The format is more like heart-to-heart talks than a course. Some films focus mainly on dyslexia and some on ADHD. I share what helped my kids with their dyslexia and ADHD.

What to do When You Have Trouble with Word Finding (Interview with a 10-year-old)

How it Feels to Read When You Have Dyslexia (Interview with a 10-year-old)

Dyslexia and How Kids Learn to Communicate (Interview with a 10-year-old)

How Eye-Tracking Issues Affect Dyslexia (Annie’s experiences as a child)

Why the Dyslexic Brain is Misunderstood

What Are the Signs of Dyslexia?

Dyslexia Test

Blog Posts on Dyslexia

Dyslexia and Word Finding Problems Affect Friendships This is What to Do About it!

What Dyslexia Taught Me (An Interview with Lyndi Stucky -Photographer)

25 Tips for Getting Through School When You Have Dyslexia

A 10-Year-Old Describes What It’s Like to Have Dyslexia

16 Positive Traits of Dyslexia

Board Game Recommendations for Kids With Dyslexia

15 Reasons Why Kids With Combined ADHD and Dyslexia SHould Play Games

10 Games Dyslexic Kids age 3-6 Can Play

15 Games Dyslexic Kids age 5-7 Can Play

20 Games Dyslexic Kids age 7-10 Can Play

15 Games Dyslexic kids age 10-99 Can Play


Annie Eklöv

Originally from the USA, I moved to Sweden in 2004 when I married a Swede. My husband and I have three kids two of which have ADHD and Dyslexia diagnoses.

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