Book Review: Scattered Minds

Book: Scattered Minds

Author: Gabor Matê M.D.

Rating: 5 Stars (Out of 5)

The Book Scattered Minds Changed our lives!

In his book, Gabor Matè M.D., gives parents and children affected by ADD/ADHD real hope. This is a must-read for anyone who has regular contact with someone with ADD/ADHD.

Dr. Gabor Maté offers hope that the symptoms of ADD/ADHD are not inalterable. He explores the idea that the child’s environment and genetics are equally essential contributors in determining if an individual will develop ADD/ADHD.

Because a baby’s brain is not fully developed at birth, the first few years are critical as the child attaches to their parents and copes with whatever home environment they were born into. 

If environment and attachment relationships play a significant role in the development of ADD/ADHD, then they should be key in the healing/treating of ADD/ADHD. Dr. Gabor Maté believes if we alter the environment positively and allow for healthy attachment relationships,  we can reduce ADHD symptoms. 

This book was an eye-opener for me as I realized that my children needed my husband and me to invite them into a relationship with us by inviting them to spend time with us. When children (especially kids with ADHD) beg and plead with their parents to spend time with them, it does not count in their eyes. 

ADHD children often do not believe their parents want to spend time with them because there is an interruption in the parent-child attachment.

Children chalk up time spent with their parents as something they received because they begged and pleaded. Unless parents (or primary caregivers) ask their child to spend time with them when the child is not whining and pleading for attention kids write off any efforts from their parents to connect.

Purposely inviting kids to spend time with one or both parents regularly can calm some fears and lessen many children’s separation anxiety.

This book enlightens parents, teenagers, teachers, and adults with (and without) ADHD. Dr. Gabor Maté shares heart-wrenching stories from his childhood and medical practice while painting a vivid picture of his adult life with ADHD. Above all, this book offers tools and hope along with a deeper understanding of the controversial diagnosis of ADHD. 

If you’re a teacher or parent of an ADHD child and don’t have time to read a whole book, READ my article on Scattered Minds to get the most pertinent information! Link below.

Hopefully, my article will whet your appetite, and eventually, you’ll read the whole book.

Check out Our Favorite Resources page for more information and other reading tips.

Annie Eklöv

Originally from the USA, I moved to Sweden in 2004 when I married a Swede. My husband and I have three kids two of which have ADHD and Dyslexia diagnoses.

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