Äggoljetempera är ett bra alternativ om man vill ha ekologisk målarfärg i hemmet. Kort sagt, man lägger pigment i vatten i 24 timmar, blandar ägg och olja tills det liknar majonäs...
Posts by Annie Eklöv
A Helpful Illustrated Guide for Making Organic Egg Tempera Paint.
Egg paint or Egg Tempera is a great alternative if you want safe organic paint in your home. You first put pigment in water overnight, then mix eggs and oil with a handheld mixer until they...
The most common questions about toxin-free Egg Tempera Paint Q and A
Protect your family from lead paint by using Egg Tempera. Egg paint is a great alternative to standard paints. You can have safe organic paint in your home. Why would you spend extra...
The best desk for an ADHD child, how to make your own (A helpful illustrated guide)
A secretary desk decreases stress and promotes sleep. Sitting in the storage shed we had a 100-year-old secretary desk. I was excited to finally use it when we redecorated my daughter...
During a particularly difficult year with my ADHD children my son (Lage) who has ADHD predominantly hyper had panic attacks, became antisocial, and even talked about hurting himself. He was...
When my son was first diagnosed with ADHD (predominantly hyper) the idea of giving him medications scared me. I first tried vitamins and Omega-3 as an alternative to traditional medication....