Annie Eklöv, a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) and mother of three has a wealth of insight into organizing for ADHD. Wisdom gained from three ADHD diagnoses (Her children have ADHD hyper and ADHD inattentive, and Annie recently received an Adult ADHD diagnosis.) and seventeen years of living with ADHD in the home.
Annie’s Book Help! My Room Exploded is available on Amazon.
Annie Enjoys writing helpful articles for families struggling with ADHD and dyslexia on her blog. opened her eyes to the need for decluttering, organizing, and cleaning strategies for Kids with ADHD because readers asked the most questions about these topics.
Her first book Help! My Room Exploded is available on Amazon.
Annie writes from home in the Swedish mountains, where she spends winter weekends downhill skiing with her family and evenings cross-country skiing with friends. During the summer, her family enjoys visiting extended family in America and relaxing in Småland.
Her book guides families struggling with ADHD-related cleaning and organizational problems through decluttering to, achieve an organized space that kids can maintain. Annie weaves personal stories through the book, making it fun to read.

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